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Rombet Press Mentions

Top things you didn’t know about casinos

Romanians passion for gambling is well-known and most people think it is a rich and somewhat fascinating market they would like to discover, but believe they won’t be able to. Most people don’t know that the gambling industry represents 0.7% of GDP or that it generates jobs for almost 40 000 people.

1. The gambling companies earn a lot of money and never pay any taxes of this amount - "I believe this will be the prejudice we’ll have to fight the most, but we won’t give up. Our association commissioned towards the end of 2014 a European comparative study that has as conclusion the fact that in Romania the gambling industry is one of the most fiscalized economic activities, having one of the highest taxation level of Europe. Beside the fees and taxes due by all economic operators, the gaming organizers also have to pay in advance license fees and exploiting authorisations. Moreover, we have to mention the fact that the gambling industry represents over 0.7% of GDP and generates jobs for almost 40 000 people. We cannot overlook these facts just because it comes in handy to use this prejudice", explains Mr. Dan Ghiță.

2. Gambling is a real social danger, and the gaming organizers do nothing for changing this situation - "According to a study from GfK Romania, most of the people participating in gambling are doing it for fun, socializing and entertainment. But it is true that there are vulnerable persons or that might have gambling issues, but the games organizers are permanently preoccupied with prevention and control of these cases. Currently, authorities and games organizers representatives are discussing about a national program that will address these categories of people. The Romanian Police will even start a national campaign of preventing underage participation in gambling. Rombet will support without any reserve these projects and we will do anything in our power to make them known and implement them as well as possible", says the Rombet president.

3. The gambling industry doesn’t help any other field, it gets richer and that’s it, never heard of, nor cares for social problems.

"The world of gambling was never indifferent to social problems and cases, but if they didn’t trumpeted thei implication, that doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. Of course, other European countries have clear laws asking that a certain percent of the gambling companies’ income be directed towards these cases. There are talks about this here as well. Beyond respecting the law, we support stories and people who are worthy – we are thinking, for instance, of scholarships for talented students and as far as facts are concerned, we have already done numerous donations for children in need. We care and we are involved, although we are stuck with an unfair label", ends Dan Ghiță.

  •   06 ianuarie
  •   Rombet